I Am Not Afraid

By Susan Abbassi

I am not afraid,

Not afraid of the past nor the future.

For I have surpassed them both

And am living in the realm of the present.

I am not afraid,

Not afraid of sorrow nor depression,

For I have killed them both.


In the battle with sadness,

I am not afraid of my mind;

I have lashed my thoughts once and for all.

To my eyes, I have taught a secret:

To look at this alluring garden

As if not seeing, like a blind.

I have trained my limited logic

To cease satisfying with dissatisfactions of this land.


I have become ready to escape

Not afraid of being capture

For I will fly with my soul.

I am not afraid,

Not afraid of dying

For I begin to live

And cease breathing only air.


Susan Abbassi is a writing specialist who holds a master degree in English literature and a double Bachelor Degrees in Religious Study and English literature from California State University, Bakersfield. Susan is currently working in the Writing Center at Bakersfield College, where she is the faculty adviser for Muslim Student Association (MSA).