The Awakening

By Alia Salem

As the world burns around me I can’t help but be hopeful

Hopeful that this raging fire will be hot enough to rouse life from lazy slumber

A slumber that has imprisoned us for far too long

Complete enough to clear the rotting foliage blocking our path

Deep enough to burn away the outer façade and gingerly expose the new layer’s rebirth

Merciful enough to allow life and beauty to return once more

In that suspension of mercy is where I dare to hope for a new beginning

A chance to clear the ashes of yesterday and reveal the promise of tomorrow

An opportunity to use what we’ve learned to bring us together, not tear us apart

The promise of a purified canvas from which to build the future

It’s not yet time to heal. The fire has not run its course.


Alia Salem is a social justice advocate and an eighth generation Texan with Egyptian roots. She has long held a fascination with the spoken word in many languages. Her passion for poetry extends back to seventh grade English when her teacher encouraged her to put her thoughts to pen and paper.